Prairie Sun and Prairie Moon Casino’s will be opening at 3pm on Thursday, November 26th and Friday, December 25th

- From our family to yours, Happy Holidays!



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Eclipse Club

Start getting MORE rewards as an ECLIPSE Player’s Club member! Registering is simple, easy and FREE at our casino or online! You’ll be qualified for valuable offers, fun promotions, and special events. You’ll also receive special monthly incentives designed just for you.


Eclipse Club members can even use their rewards for food and drinks, and other special seasonal promotions. Here is how your points add up:

  • 100 points = $1
  • 500 points = $5
  • 1,000 points = $10
  • 2,000 points = $20

Be sure to use your card every time you play and get rewarded for your loyalty, while having fun!

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Prairie Moon Casino